Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Word of Encouragement to a Friend

This is a letter my wife wrote to a friend going through a difficult situation. I pray that it will be an encouragement to you and help you to trust in God and rejoice even in your tribulations.

Hey Friend,

First of all I want to say that I am not writing to "answer" any of the questions you were asking Andy about. So, my words may not even be anything that you were looking for...to answer some of the things your heart is screaming. I just wanted to share a few things I was thinking about as a result of some of the things you said. I was thinking about what you wrote to Andy and a song kept coming to my head...i'm sure you know it, but i just wanted to share...

Have faith in God. He's on His throne.
Have faith in God. He watches over His own
He CANNOT fail. He MUST prevail.
Have faith in God. Have faith in God.

(Isaiah 46:10; Eph. 1:6, 9, 11--I inserted these verse to show the biblical truth of this song)

See, my friend...take a step back from your situation. Look at it from God's perspective. His timing is perfect. He has so neatly orchestrated these events to happen when they have. (see blog post "who killed emma?" for an explaination on how God is sovereign over evil, yet He is without sin nor cause poeple to sin--my insert). He is in control of this and He CANNOT fail in this situation. It's against His nature to fail...He cant....HE MUST prevail. It is who He is and He cannot go against His character. Now you have to have faith in Him. Don't think about man and what man can or cant do to fix the situation...the great thing is is that you dont have to trust any man or woman with this.....He is able to work through any person to bring about His plan. Release the fear you have in people and have faith in God working through them.

People are going to believe what they want to believe. You stand firm in knowing your heart in all of this and in knowing you did what God wanted you to do. You are one of the most sincere women I know, in regards to your relationship with the Lord and your desire to follow Him. Don't let maniuplation, or anger, or a need to be seen as right fog what you know to be true, holy, good, blameless, noble, excellent, and pure. Run to God...only say what He wants you to say to those He tells you to talk to. Don't try to "right the wrongs" on your own accord. Stay as focused as possible on the Lord and let Him guide you to what He wants you to be a part of in the restoration process.

Know that I love you and am so proud of how you have conducted yourself. Love ya so much. hang in there.


  1. Wow! Thanks Andy... and Robin! So encouraging in so many ways/situations. I miss you all !!

  2. Wise Words from a Wise Woman! I love you Robin!
