Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Night Before Pastoring

Twas the night before pastoring and all through my soul

Were nerves that were raging and yet peace over flowed

Because my savior is a Sovereign King

Who reigns and rules inspite of me.

The fears that swell in my heart are unfounded and untrue

Becasue Jesus has equipped me to accomplish the task I must do;

Yet I know my own fraility, my weaknesses and sin

The feelings of doubt that fill my mind again and again .
So I turn to the Word, the truth, the written reality

And fall to my knees convicted, yet set free

Beseeching God to open my eyes so that I might see

And behold the wonderful things in His law that He has for me.
I learn of His power, His might, love and mercy,

His righteousness and wrath, but more importantly

I am reminded of his all-sustaining grace

That keeps me and causes me to finish the race.

True there are things I don't know or understand

But God works all things out according to His Sovereign plan;

Like the times of joy and heavenly bliss

But also the pain, suffering, and distress.
There is one thing that I will always aim to do

By the sustaining grace of God this will remain true:

That in my body, whether by life or death,

Christ will be magnified and my soul will find rest.
One thing I pray and make it my goal:

That Christ will become the treasure of your soul

And that you will always find Him to be

Faithful and true now and throughout eternity.

One last thing before we depart

And I hope that you will take it to heart

From the ocean depths to the mountain heights

Happy Sunday to all and to all a good night.


  1. Andy, I am praying for you and Robin as you begin this stage of ministry!

  2. OK Andy- a pruse that never wears out is one that is used constantly...Luke 12:33 :)
    Your turn...make it a hard one that will make me search!
